We don’t believe in surface level service. We devote the necessary time and energy to understand the details of legislation, regulations, funding streams and grant programs to help clients achieve results.

Client Showcase: teen Mental Health First Aid Instructors

Public Safety & Mental Health

Public safety is one of our highest priorities. We want to feel safe in our neighborhoods and know that emergency responders are available should we need them. We also know that mental health among the youth and adults in our communities play a role in public safety. However, with declining tax revenues and shrinking budgets, municipalities are stretched to provide these critical, life saving services. Given that competition for federal support and funding is immense, Capitol Advocacy Partners can help. Our professionals know how to work successfully with the federal government to help you fulfill your needs. We work with federal decision makers, write grants and amend legislation so that these programs can benefit your organization

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Economic Development & Housing

Among the federal programs hit hardest in tough economic times are those that support housing and economic development. Cities strive to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities with quality affordable homes for all, but many of the programs to fund these efforts are diminished with reduced budgets. It's critical to protect your interests and ensure that your community gets a fair share of funding. Professionals at Capitol Advocacy Partners are committed to ensuring that your voice is heard and that you get the assistance you need. We have a proven track record of doing so. 

Client Showcase: College District Meeting with Rep. Porter

Education & Job Training

In today's difficult job market, success is often determined by access to quality education and job training. Americans today face many hurdles in pursuing quality education and work, including unique difficulties facing veterans. Unfortunately, partisan disagreement in when it comes to education and job training is among the most prevalent in the Nation's Capitol. Republicans and Democrats cannot agree on what programs work -- let alone what programs deserve funding. To protect client interests, professionals at CAP works closely with officials at the Department of Education and the Department of Labor. Whether it be through legislation, Agency advocacy or securing grants, we have a proven track record of understanding programs, securing funding and achieving results.


Federal State Coordination

Modern policy travels through a web of overlapping federal, state, and local jurisdictions that can each leave their mark on policy implementation. In this interconnected system, influencing the final outcome requires methodical, coordinated advocacy at multiple points of influence. At Capitol Advocacy Partners we work with you to craft and execute advocacy plans for every stage of implementation. We will help you work with your local partners to make it happen. 

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Highways, roads, bridges and public transportation systems are central to communities and our daily activities. We rely on public infrastructure to get around every day, yet with shrinking municipal budgets, we increasingly experience bumps in getting around. Local infrastructure requires investment. It's increasingly competitive to secure federal dollars for transportation maintenance and improvements. Professionals at Capitol Advocacy Partners know how to navigate the maze to secure transportation funding. We utilize legislation, agency engagement and grant programs to achieve results.