DC Update: 11/26/18

 Executive Branch and Administration

 On 11/24 several news outlets reported that the Trump administration has reached a tentative agreement with the incoming Mexican President to keep asylum seekers... Current policy allows... 


Department of Education

 On 11/21 a federal judge ruled that the District of Columbia, and states, lack the power to oversee the Education Department’s loan servicers. This ruling could have implications in California…

 On 11/16 the US Department of Education released a rewrite of federal Title IX rule, which allows schools to require more evidence to prove claims of sexual assault and harassment…



Congress has until 12/7 to pass a bill to fund the remaining appropriations bills (Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, State, finance, Homeland Security, Interior Transportation, HUD)…

On 11/20 eighteen Senate Democrats, including Sens. Feinstein and Harris, wrote a letter urging US Citizenship and Immigration Services to rescind a directive issued in August, 2018 that would heighten penalties for…

On 11/14 Sens. Alexander and Murray introduced the FAFSA Act (S 3611), which will allow the IRS to disclose tax return information to Department of Education officials to determine eligibility for, and amount of, federal student financial aid for college students. This would…

Other Articles

On 11/20 the United National Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) released a report on the educational needs of refugee and immigrant students a report on the educational needs of refugee and immigrant students…


Funding/Support Opportunities

  • NSF: Campus Cyberinfrastructure

  • Office of Naval Research: FY19 Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Navy and Marine Corps Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Education, and Workforce Program

  • Department of State: FY2019 Community College Initiative Program: Cooperative Agreement