Executive Branch and Administration
- OMB Budget Director Mulvaney told GOP leaders that the ceiling for the forthcoming package of rescissions will be $25B.
- Rep. Cole reported that...
US Department of Education Activities
- On 4/24 the Department of Education held a pre-application Webinar on using Department of Education grants to support STEM and Computer Science. The webinar provided tips on competing...
- On 4/27 the GAO released a report, finding that the Department of Education needs to improve its oversight of schools’ default rate calculations to ensure schools are not gaming the system. The report is especially critical of...
- On 4/25 a bipartisan group of Senators introduced the “Creating Quality Technical Educators Act (S. 2737)”. The bill would...
- On 4/25 the House Appropriations LHHS Subcommittee held a hearing on the workforce pipeline. This hearing provides...
- On 4/25 and 4/26 the Senate Appropriations CJS Subcommittee and the House Appropriations CJS Subcommittee, respectively, each held hearings on the FY19 Department of Justice Budget.
- School Safety Grants...
- Sanctuary jurisdictions...
- DACA...
Other Information of Interest
- On 4/30 EAB’s community college research team released a new research white paper on closing the achievement gap for part-time students. The paper found that...