US Department of Education Activities
- The Department of Education Office for Civil Rights will offer webinars for schools, school districts, and universities to help them make their websites accessible to students with disabilities. Webinars will be hosted on...
- On 5/17 Sec. DeVos hosted a private briefing with school safety experts and individuals impacted by school shooting. The briefing included...
- On 5/16 the Senate passed a resolution to undo the FCC’s repeal last year of net neutrality rules. Education groups opposed the FCC’s repeal last year, which would...
- On 5/17 the House Education and the Workforce committee held a hearing on student data use and privacy. Panelists and legislators agreed that...
- On 5/17 the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity held a hearing on the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program. The hearing focused on...
- On 5/18 bickering over immigration and DACA led to the House defeating the Farm Bill by a vote of 198-213. The $868 billion legislative package that subsidizes agriculture and funds food assistance programs has been tied up in partisan fighting for weeks, losing support across the board. With this turn of events, it appears that the House may be poised for another DACA fight just six months before the midterm elections. House Republican leaders...
- On 5/22 Sec. DeVos will appear before the House Education and the Workforce committee. She is expected to face questions on...
- On 5/22 Congressional Democrats will unveil a detailed education agenda, right after Sec. DeVos appears before the House Education and the Workforce Committee. The plan is expected to...
- On 5/23 the House Republicans are planning to meet to discuss the PROSPER Act and house efforts to move the bill forward for a floor vote this year.
- On 5/23 the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity will hold a hearing on 6 veterans bills. One bill being heard (HR 5452) would...
Funding/Support Opportunities
- On 5/18 the Department of Education Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) released its RFP for its new Pathways to STEM Apprenticeship for High School Career and Technical Education Students. We previously sent an unreleased preview of this solicitation, stating...
- Community college Cyber Pilot Program: National Science Foundation...