6/25/18: Education Update

Executive Branch and Administration: On 6/20 President Trump issued at executive order on immigration and enforcement. Federal Departments are...

On 6/21 President Trump released a proposal to dramatically reorganize the federal government. Significant aspects of the proposal require acts of Congress (Legislation), and, as such... Areas of interest include...

On 6/21 the School Safety Commission held a meeting to focus on "The Effects of Entertainment, Media, Cyberbullying and Social Media on Violence and School Safety". The commission meeting...

Congress: On 6/21 the House Budget Committee approved a financial plan that would require...

On 6/21 the House held a floor vote on the Goodlatte immigration reform bill, the more conservative of the two Republican immigration bills up for debate...The compromise Republican bill is expected to be voted on this week...

On 6/20 the Senate failed to pass President Trump's FY18 rescission proposals...

This week the Senate will markup the FY19 LHHS appropriations bill. Highlights include...

On 6/26 the Senate HELP Committee is scheduled to consider a bill to reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act...

Funding Opportunities

School safety, childcare, and homeless support services opportunities released through...