6/4/18: DC Update

Executive and Administration: Today the White House is expected to release a revised rescission package, which is expected to have...

On 5/31 Sec. DeVos and representatives of the new Federal Commission on School Safety held a field hearing in Maryland to...

On 6/6 the Federal Commission on School Safety will hold a listening session at the US Department of Education headquarters. CAP expects this to be...

Congress: Senate Republican leadership is currently polling its members to inform how they will set legislative priorities for the remained of 2018. A full list of items being considered is attached. Topics being considered include...

On Thursday House Republican Leadership will meet again to discuss DACA and immigration proposals. Republican moderates are...

Senate Appropriations subcommittees are beginning their FY19 appropriations markups in earnest. The tentative schedule is as follows...

On 5/31 the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology held a field hearing in California on "Earthquake Mitigation". A full summary of the hearing is attached. The head of California's Office of Emergency Services earthquake program spoke to...