DC Update: 7/16/18

Executive Branch and Administration

On 7/11 the Federal Commission on School Safety held a public meeting on “Curating a Healthier & Safer Approach: Issues of Mental Health and Counseling for our Young”. The meeting was the first meeting with all four commission members present. A summary… 

On 7/12 the US Secret Service released a report on “Enhancing School Safety Using a Threat Assessment Model: An Operational Guide for Preventing Targeting School Violence.” The report contains...

On 7/16 the Department of Homeland Security released a proposal to increase the fee for foreign student visas. The fee will increase from…

US Department of Education Activities

On 7/12 the Department of Education approved California’s ESSA plan.


On 7/9 the House Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications subcommittee will held a field hearing in Newark, NJ on “Protecting Our Future: Addressing School Security Challenges in America.” A full summary… 

On 7/11 the House Appropriations Committee marked up the Labor HHS Education FY19 appropriations bill. A full summary is...

On 7/12 the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs named members to the new Subcommittee on Technology and Modernization. Members will include… 

On 7/12 the House Veterans Affairs Committee passed the following bills out of committee…

On 7/18 the House Veterans’ Affairs Economic Opportunity Subcommittee will hold a hearing on “An Update on the Implementation of the Forever GI Bill: Is VA Ready for August 1st?” Witnesses include…

Funding/Support Opportunities: A National Science Foundation grant…