Executive Branch and Administration
Today confirmation hearings start for Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.
On 8/28 the Federal Commission on School Safety held its final listening session…
On 8/29 and 9/5 the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention will host a two-part webinar on…
Department of Education
The Department of Education is expected to propose new Title IX rules for the handling of allegations of sexual harassment and assault. The Education Department is expected to propose...
On 8/30 the American Council on Education and 19 other Higher Education organizations submitted comments opposed to the...
On 8/31 Sec DeVos said in a letter to Ranking Member Scott that she “has no intention of taking any action concerning the purchase of firearms or firearms training for school staff under the ESEA…”
The House and Senate will begin forming a conference committee this week to work through the FY19 appropriations mini-bus, which would fund...
As early as tomorrow the House is expected to vote on HR 1635 which would require colleges to provide...
On 9/5 the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development will hold a hearing on “On-the-Job: Rebuilding the Workforce Through Apprenticeships.” The hearing will examine...
On 9/5 the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation will consider HR 4323, the Supporting Veterans in STEM Career Act. The bill would...