Partial Federal Government Shutdown
The partial federal government shutdown is now on Day 32.
On Saturday (1/19) President Trump proposed a package bill to fund a border wall and address aspects of immigration reform. Schumer and Pelosi…
On Sunday (1/20), Senate Republicans indicated they will be drafting a bill to bring President Trump’s proposed compromise to the Senate floor. The bill will include…
In the meantime, this week the House will once again take up bills to reopen the federal government. The bills are based on bipartisan conference agreements negotiated last year.
President and Administration
On 1/25 the Commission on Civil Rights will meet to discuss Immigration Detention Facilities and Family Separations.
Department of Education
While the Department of Education is fully funded, the shutdown continues to impact some students completing FAFSA, as the IRS income verification system that communicates with FAFSA is intermittently shutdown. ED released guidance for…
The shutdown has effectively stalled nearly all other Congressional activity.
On 1/16 the House passed a $12.1 B disaster aid bill that also included a three-week continuing resolution to reopen the government. The disaster aid bill would have included funds for…
On 1/20 it was reported that Senate Republicans plan to add $12.7B in disaster aid and a full year Continuing Resolution to their boarder wall/immigration bill, described above.
Earlier this month Reps. Pete King (R-NY) and Tom Suozzi (D-NY) introduced legislation to repeal the limitation on deductions for State and local taxes.
Funding/Support Opportunities
Note: Agencies that are impacted by the partial government shutdown cannot release grant solicitations until they are open and funded for the year. Additionally, because the federal register is impacted, many funded agencies are delaying grant releases as well.