Education Update: 2/11/19

President and Administration

On 2/5 the President delivered the State of the Union address…Education issues were not prominently featured in the address…

Department of Education

 On 2/7 the Department of Education released its template for State Plan submissions for Perkins Career and Technical Education funds…The template lays out a likely timeline for the creation of…

The State of California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee will meet on 2/19/19 to discuss the 2019-20 transition plan for Perkins Career and Technical education funds…


Congress and the President have until 2/15 to reach an agreement to keep the government open past…

On 2/12 the House Education Committee will have a hearing on: “Underpaid Teachers and Crumbling Schools: How Underfunding Public Education Shortchanges America’s Students” …

On 2/4 Senator Alexander discussed is priorities for the Higher Education Act reauthorization. He hopes to pass a comprehensive bill in the HELP Committee…His three priority recommendations are… 

On 2/7 Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN, also running for President) introduced a bill to allow 529 Education Savings Accounts to be used for… 

Three bills have been introduced to repeal the SALT deduction limit. The bills are identical and are straight repeals of the…

On 2/6 the House Judiciary Committee held a four-hour hearing on gun violence in consideration of H.R. 8: Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019…

On 2/7 the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure held a hearing on infrastructure needs. Chair DeFazio’s proposed bills to start the investment process are…


On 2/5 the Business Roundtable released a letter to President Trump and Congress calling for, among other priorities, a reauthorization this year of the Higher Education Act. The Roundtable requested…