DC Update 9/9/19

President and Administration

 A new Department of Homeland Security rule seeks to do what pro-immigration advocates have long dreaded by giving U.S. immigration officers broad authority to deny applicants citizenship, green cards, visa extensions and changes in immigration status based on past or potential future use of public benefits…

The Trump administration advanced two regulations that would toughen the asylum process. The measures appear to target what President Trump described as "rampant abuse" of the asylum system…

 President Trump is reportedly finalizing his proposals designed to curb gun violence…


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) announced plans to put a clean stopgap funding or Continuing Resolution (CR) bill on the floor the week of Sept. 16… 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is calling for abolishing the Electoral College, saying that the voting system is a "scam" that negatively impacts minorities…

In the wake of back-to-back shootings in Ohio and Texas this month, Red Flag gun laws have emerged as a potentially bipartisan method of curbing the nation’s escalating number of mass murders…

On Tuesday, 9/10, at 11:30am EST the Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Subcommittee will hold a markup…

 On Wednesday, 9/11, at 10:15am EST the House Committee on Education and Labor Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education will hold a hearing entitled "The Importance of Trauma-Informed Practices in Education to Assist Students Impacted by Gun Violence and Other Adversities” …

On Tuesday, 9/10, at 10am EST the House Committee on Financial Services will hold a hearing entitled “A $1.5 Trillion Crisis: Protecting Student Borrowers and Holding Student Loan Servicers Accountable” …

Higher Ed 
The National Science Board has released an annual report, "Higher Education in Science and Engineering," which contains a wide array of data about the state of STEM education on American college and university campuses… 

President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum that will significantly streamline the process to erase federal student loan debt for totally and permanently disabled veterans… 

Election 2020

Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet criticized his opponents for the Democratic presidential nomination Wednesday, 9/5, saying they've focused too much on ambitious proposals to forgive student debt and not enough on yawning inequality in the nation's K-12 education system…