Infrastructure and Transportation Update 6/9/21


President Joe Biden met with lead GOP negotiator, Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), at the White House last week, but has since rejected an increased infrastructure offer from the Capito-led group of Senate Republicans…

All eyes are on today, 6/9, as the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will begin debating a $547 billion highway and transit bill next week that could form one pillar of Biden’s broader proposal…

A new ruling by the Senate parliamentarian may block Democrats from using reconciliation to enact President Biden’s $4 trillion economic agenda without Republican support…

Rail companies and state officials want to see more high-speed rail money in infrastructure legislation, along with measures to encourage private capital for the industry…

The biggest threat to President Biden’s infrastructure plan, however, may be shortages of everything from workers to cement mills across the country….

President Biden’s Proposed FY22 Budget - Update 6/9/2021

President Joe Biden released his Fiscal Year 2022 budget blueprint, including for transportation, sustainability, infrastructure, clean energy, jobs, healthcare, energy and environmental justice, diversity in STEM, and state and local partnerships…